Daftar National Scout Organizations (NSO) di Seluruh Dunia


Daftar Organisasi Kepramukaan Nasional (National Scout Organizations) di seluruh dunia. Hampir di setiap negara di seluruh dunia telah berdiri organisasi kepanduan, layaknya Gerakan Pramuka di Indonesia. Daftar organisasi yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan kepramukaan di seluruh dunia mencapai hingga ratusan organisasi nasional. Sebagian besar diantaranya tergabung dengan WOSM (World Organization of the Scout Movement; Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia).

Di beberapa negara, bahkan memiliki lebih dari satu organisasi kepanduan nasional yang kemudian digabungkan dalam sebuah federasi.

Daftar Organisasi Pramuka Nasional di Seluruh Dunia

Berikut adalah daftar Organisasi Kepramukaan Nasional di seluruh dunia yang telah tergabung dalam World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

  1. Afrika Selatan (South Africa): Scouts South Africa
  2. Aljazair (Algeria): Scouts Musulmans Algériens
  3. Amerika Serikat (United States): Boy Scouts of America
  4. Angola (Angola): Associação de Escuteiros de Angola
  5. Arab Saudi (Saudi Arabia): Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association – جمعية الكشافة العربية السعودية‎‎
  6. Argentina (Argentina): Scouts de Argentina
  7. Armenia (Armenia): Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum Kazmakerputiun
  8. Aruba (Aruba): Scouting Aruba
  9. Australia (Australia): The Scout Association of Australia
  10. Austria (Austria): Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs
  11. Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan): Azerbaican Skautlar Associasiyasi
  12. Bahama (Bahamas): The Scout Association of the Bahamas
  13. Bahrain (Bahrain): Boy Scouts of Bahrain
  14. Bangladesh (Bangladesh): Bangladesh Scouts
  15. Barbados (Barbados): Barbados Boy Scouts Association
  16. Belanda (Netherlands): Scouting Nederland
  17. Belarus (Belarus): Belarusian Republic Scout Association
  18. Belgia (Belgium): Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique/Gidsen- en Scoutsbeweging in België (Guides and Scouts Movement of Belgium). (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  19. Belize (Belize): The Scout Association of Belize
  20. Benin (Benin): Scoutisme Béninois
  21. Bhutan (Bhutan): Bhutan Scout Tshogpa
  22. Bolivia (Bolivia): Asociación de Scouts de Bolivia
  23. Bosnia dan Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina): The Council of Scout Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  24. Botswana (Botswana): The Botswana Scouts Association
  25. Brasil (Brazil): União dos Escoteiros do Brasil
  26. Britania Raya (United Kingdom): The Scout Association
  27. Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam): Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam
  28. Bulgaria (Bulgaria): Организация на българските скаути (Organisation of Bulgarian Scouts)
  29. Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso): Association des Scouts du Burkina Faso (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  30. Burundi (Burundi): Association des Scouts du Burundi
  31. Ceko (Czech Republic): Junák – český skaut
  32. Chad (Chad): Fédération du Scoutisme Tchadien (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  33. Chili (Chile): Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Chile
  34. Curaçao (Curaçao): Scouting Antiano
  35. Denmark (Denmark): Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  36. Dominika (Dominica): The Scout Association of Dominica
  37. Ekuador (Ecuador): Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador
  38. El Salvador (El Salvador): Asociación de Scouts de El Salvador
  39. Estonia (Estonia): Eesti Skautide Ühing
  40. Ethiopia (Ethiopia): Ethiopia Scout Association
  41. Fiji (Fiji): Fiji Scouts Association
  42. Filipina (Philippines): Boy Scouts of the Philippines
  43. Finlandia (Finland): Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter
  44. Gabon (Gabon): Fédération Gabonaise du Scoutisme (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  45. Gambia (Gambia): The Gambia Scout Association
  46. Georgia (Georgia): Sakartvelos Skauturi Modzraobis Organizatsia
  47. Ghana (Ghana): The Ghana Scout Association
  48. Grenada (Grenada): The Scout Association of Grenada
  49. Guatemala (Guatemala): Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala
  50. Guinea (Guinea): Association Nationale des Scouts de Guinée
  51. Guyana (Guyana): The Scout Association of Guyana
  52. Haiti (Haiti): Scouts d’Haïti
  53. Honduras (Honduras): Asociación de Scouts de Honduras
  54. Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Scout Association of Hong Kong – 香港童軍總會
  55. Hongaria (Hungary): Magyar Cserkészszövetség
  56. India (India): The Bharat Scouts and Guides
  57. Indonesia (Indonesia): Gerakan Pramuka
  58. Irlandia (Ireland): Gasóga na hÉireann (Scouting Ireland)
  59. Islandia (Iceland): Bandalag íslenskra Skáta
  60. Israel (Israel): התאחדות הצופים והצופות בישראל (Israel Boy and Girl Scouts Federation)(federasi beberapa organisasi)
  61. Italia (Italy): Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  62. Jamaika (Jamaica): The Scout Association of Jamaica
  63. Jepang (Japan): Scout Association of Japan
  64. Jerman (Germany): Ring deutscher Pfadfinderverbände (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  65. Kamboja (Cambodia): National Association of Cambodian Scouts
  66. Kamerun (Cameroon): Les Scouts du Cameroun
  67. Kanada (Canada): Association des Scouts du Canada dan Scouts Canada
  68. Kanada (Canada): Scouts Canada
  69. Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan): Organization of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan
  70. Kenya (Kenya): The Kenya Scouts Association
  71. Kiribati (Kiribati): Kiribati Scout Association
  72. Kolombia (Colombia): Asociación de Scouts de Colombia
  73. Komoro (Comoros): Wezombeli (Association Nationale du Scoutisme Comorien)
  74. Kongo (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the): Fédération des Scouts du Congo
  75. Korea Selatan (Korea, Republic of): Korea Scout Association
  76. Kosta Rika (Costa Rica): Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Costa Rica
  77. Kroasia (Croatia): Savez izviđača Hrvatske
  78. Kuwait (Kuwait): Kuwait Boy Scouts Association
  79. Latvia (Latvia): Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu Centrala Organizacija
  80. Lebanon (Lebanon): Fédération du Scoutisme Libanais (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  81. Lesotho (Lesotho): Lesotho Scouts Association
  82. Liberia (Liberia): Liberia Scout Association
  83. Libya (Libya): Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Libya
  84. Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein): Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins
  85. Lituania (Lithuania): Lietuvos Skautija
  86. Luksemburg (Luxembourg): Luxembourg Boy Scouts Association. (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  87. Madagaskar (Madagascar): Firaisan’ny Skotisma eto Madagasikara (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  88. Makedonia (Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of): Сојуз на извидници на Македонија (Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija)
  89. Maladewa (Maldives): The Scout Association of Maldives
  90. Malawi (Malawi): Scout Association of Malawi
  91. Malaysia (Malaysia): Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia
  92. Malta (Malta): The Scout Association of Malta
  93. Maroko (Morocco): Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain
  94. Mauritania (Mauritania): Association des Scouts et Guides de Mauritanie
  95. Mauritius (Mauritius): The Mauritius Scout Association
  96. Meksiko (Mexico): Asociación de Scouts de México
  97. Mesir (Egypt): Egyptian Scout Federation (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  98. Moldova (Moldova, Republic of): Asociatia Nationala a Scoutilor din Moldova
  99. Monako (Monaco): Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco
  100. Mongolia (Mongolia): The Scout Association of Mongolia
  101. Montenegro (Montenegro): Савез Извиђача Црне Горе/Savez Izviđača Crne Gore (Scout Association of Montenegro)
  102. Mozambik (Mozambique): Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique
  103. Namibia (Namibia): Scouts of Namibia
  104. Nepal (Nepal): Nepal Scouts
  105. Niger (Niger): Association des Scouts du Niger
  106. Nigeria (Nigeria): The Scout Association of Nigeria
  107. Nikaragua (Nicaragua): nAsociación de Scouts de Nicaragua
  108. Norwegia (Norway): Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  109. Oman (Oman): The National Organisation for Scouts & Guides of Oman
  110. Pakistan (Pakistan): Pakistan Boy Scouts Association
  111. Palestina (Palestine, State of): Palestinian Scout Association
  112. Panama (Panama): Asociación Nacional de Scouts de Panamá
  113. Pantai Gading (Côte d’Ivoire): Fédération Ivoirienne du Scoutisme (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  114. Pantai Gading (Côte d’Ivoire): Les Scouts Catholiques de Côte d’Ivoire
  115. Pantai Gading (Côte d’Ivoire): Les Eclaireurs Laïcs de Côte d’Ivoire
  116. Pantai Gading (Côte d’Ivoire): Les Eclaireurs Unionistes de Côte d’Ivoire
  117. Papua Nugini (Papua New Guinea): The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea
  118. Paraguay (Paraguay): Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay
  119. Perancis (France): Scoutisme Français (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  120. Peru (Peru): Asociación de Scouts del Perú
  121. Polandia (Poland): Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego (Scouts and Guides of Poland)
  122. Portugal (Portugal): Federação Escutista de Portugal
  123. Portugal (Portugal): Associação dos Escoteiros de Portugal
  124. Portugal (Portugal): Corpo Nacional de Escutas
  125. Qatar (Qatar): Qatar Boy Scouts Association
  126. Republik Dominika (Dominican Republic): Asociación de Scouts Dominicanos
  127. Rumania (Romania): Cercetasii României
  128. Rusia (Russian Federation): Russian Association of Scouts
  129. Rwanda (Rwanda): Association des Scouts du Rwanda
  130. Saint Lucia (Saint Lucia): The Saint Lucia Scout Association
  131. Saint Vincent dan Grenadine (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines): The Scout Association of Saint Vincent & The Grenadines
  132. San Marino (San Marino): Associazione Guide e Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi
  133. Selandia Baru (New Zealand): Scouts New Zealand
  134. Senegal (Senegal): Confédération Sénégalaise du Scoutisme (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  135. Seychelles (Seychelles): The Scout Association of Seychelles
  136. Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone): Sierra Leone Scouts Association
  137. Singapura (Singapore): The Singapore Scout Association
  138. Siprus (Cyprus): Σώμα Προσκόπων Κύπρου (Cyprus Scouts Association)
  139. Slowakia (Slovakia): Slovensky skauting
  140. Spanyol (Spain): Federación de Escultismo en España (federasi beberapa organisasi)
  141. Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka): Sri Lanka Scout Association
  142. Sudan (Sudan): Sudan Boy Scouts Association
  143. Sudan Selatan (South Sudan): South Sudan Scout Association
  144. Suriah (Syrian Arab Republic): Scouts of Syria
  145. Suriname (Suriname): Boy Scouts van Suriname
  146. Swaziland (Swaziland): Emavulandlela Swaziland Scout Association
  147. Swedia (Sweden): Scouterna – the Guides and Scouts of Sweden
  148. Swiss (Switzerland): Mouvement Scout de Suisse/Pfadibewegung Schweiz/Movimento Scout Svizzero/Moviment Battasendas Svizra
  149. Taiwan (Scouts of China (Taiwan)): The General Association of the Scouts of China
  150. Tajikistan (Tajikistan): Ittihodi Scouthoi Tochikiston
  151. Tanjung Verde (Cape Verde): Associação dos Escuteiros de Cabo Verde
  152. Tanzania (Tanzania, United Republic of): Tanzania Scouts Association
  153. Thailand (Thailand): The National Scout Organization of Thailand
  154. Togo (Togo): Association Scoute du Togo
  155. Trinidad dan Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago): The Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago
  156. Tunisia (Tunisia): Les Scouts Tunisiens
  157. Turki (Turkey): Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu
  158. Uganda (Uganda): The Uganda Scout Association
  159. Ukraina (Ukraine): National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine
  160. Uni Emirat Arab (United Arab Emirates): Emirates Scout Association
  161. Uruguay (Uruguay): Movimiento Scout del Uruguay
  162. Venezuela (Venezuela): Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela
  163. Yaman (Yemen): Yemen Scout Association
  164. Yordania (Jordan): Jordanian Association for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides
  165. Yunani (Greece): Σώμα Ελληνων Προσκόπων (Scouts of Greece)
  166. Zambia (Zambia): Zambia Scouts Association
  167. Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe): The Scout Association of Zimbabwe

Sumber : www.pramukaria.id


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